
Sl. No. Type of Visa Period for which granted Entry – Single (S), Multiple (M), Double Documents required with application Extendable in India 1 Tourist 180 days M - No 2 Transit 15 days S/ Double Return/ onward journey ticket No 3 Business 5 years M Documents to prove bonafide purpose (Company’s letter etc.) Yes 4 Employment 1 year/ period of contract M Proof of employment (appointment document), terms and conditions Yes 5 Student Period of course/ 5 years M Proof of admission in Indian Institution Yes 6 Foreigners of Indian Origin 5 years M Proof of being of Indian Origin Yes
• Tourist visa up to 5 years may be granted if the foreigner is connected with the tourism trade.
• If visa is for more than 180 days, registration is compulsory within 14 days’ of arrival in India.
• Extension of visa in Delhi - MHA - Director (F)/Deputy Secretary (F), Jaisalmer House, 26 Mansingh Road, New Delhi - 110011.
• VISA TIMINGS-Submission of Application: 09:30 hrs. to 12:00 hrs. REQUIREMENT OF IDENTIFICATION PAPERS TO ESTABLISH THEIR IDENTITY AS NEPALESE OR INDIAN FOR PERSONS ENTERING INDIA OR NEPAL FROM EITHER COUNTRY BY AIR Instructions have been issued whereby Nepalese and Indian citizens, while travelling by air, between the two countries must be in possession of any of the following documents to prove their nationality:
• Valid national passport
• Valid photo identity card issued by the Government of India / State Government or UT Administration / Election Commission of India
• Emergency certificate issued by the Embassy of India, Kathmandu to Indians and by the Embassy of Nepal in Delhi in respect of Nepalese citizens The above arrangement is in operation since 1.10.2000
এখন খুব সহজেই পাচ্ছেন ইন্ডিয়ান ই-টোকেন
ইন্ডিয়ান ভিসার ই-টোকেন পেতে যা প্রয়োজনঃ
১। পাসপোর্ট ফটোকপি।
২। ছবি ১ কপি।
৩। ন্যাশনাল আইডি কার্ড/ জন্মনিবন্ধনী সার্টিফিকেট কপি।
৪। ভিজিটিং কার্ড/ পেশার বিস্তারিত।
৫। বিদ্যুৎ/ পানি/ টেলিফোন বিলের কপি।